
Students are expected to know applicable State and Federal laws and University expectations around alcohol and other drugs. The following guidelines apply to alcohol and drugs in Residential Life spaces (the South 40, The Village, and all apartments owned by Residential Life).

Underage possession of alcohol is prohibited by Missouri State Law and is also a violation of the student conduct code. Any student violating the University’s alcohol policy is subject to follow-up. Residential Life places its highest enforcement priority on enforcing violations that are repeated, disruptive, dangerous, and/or flagrant.

  1. Drunk and disorderly behavior that disrupts the community is prohibited.
  2. Alcohol is not allowed in public spaces in and around Residential Life buildings. These spaces include but are not limited to: window ledges, balconies, lounges, lobbies, hallways, pools, and lawns.
  3. Pictures, posters, containers, and signs that refer to alcohol and other drugs and are displayed for public view are prohibited.
  4. Activities that potentially encourage excessive or dangerous drinking are not allowed, including:
    • Kegs and large common containers containing alcohol.
    • Bars – what constitutes a bar will be left to the discretion of the Residential Life Staff.
    • Drinking games.
    • Hard alcohol is not permitted in any space where one or more occupants is under the age of 21.
  5. Packages containing alcohol may not be sent or received in any residential mailrooms regardless of the recipient’s age.
  6. Consumption of alcohol by students (including residents and non-residential students) and guests is permitted only in an assigned room, suite, or apartment where the resident assigned to the space and everyone present is 21 (legal drinking age) and the door is closed.
    Students who violate the alcohol policy may be required to meet with their RCD and may be referred to a representative of the Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards, the alcohol and other drugs health educator, or other campus resources.


  1. Use, possession, sale, or manufacture of any illegal drug including marijuana, cocaine, nitrous oxide and other inhalants, methamphetamine, heroin, rohypnol (roofies), Gamma Hydroxy-Butyrate (GHB), ketamine (Special K), ecstasy, etc. is strictly prohibited.
  2. Drug-related paraphernalia is not permitted under any circumstance and may not be used as decoration. Hookahs and/or other tobacco smoking devices are not permitted under any circumstances, may not be used as decoration, and will be confiscated and not returned.
    Students who violate the drug policy may be required to meet with their RCD and may be referred to a representative of the Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards, the alcohol and other drugs health educator, or other campus resources. In some cases the matter may be referred off-campus for criminal prosecution.
    As it pertains to alcohol, the University also has a “medical amnesty and active bystander protocol” with which students should be familiar. That protocol can be found on the Health Services website. The medical amnesty and active bystander protocol is designed to encourage students to seek medical care in an alcohol related emergency by reducing the potential barrier of University disciplinary consequences in certain circumstances.