Please use the form below to submit digital flyers to display throughout the residence halls, Bear’s Den, and ResLife main office—37 information displays targeting an audience of mostly undergraduate students.
Please note that submissions will be held to the following guidelines:

- Submissions must be sized at a letter aspect ratio (8.5×11) and be vertically oriented
- Files must be submitted as .PDF (preferred) or .JPG. If PDF, one page per file, please. PLEASE DO NOT SUBMIT PNG FILES.
- Must be designed for letter size (adding white space to a design to make it fit may make it unreadable at display size, and may not be accepted)
- Must be at a resolution of 72 ppi or higher, but no more than 200 ppi
- Pertains to a University- or Student Union-sponsored event, program or service
- Does not violate University codes, conduct rules, or diversity and inclusion guidelines
- Should be submitted at least two business days before desired start date
- Will run for a maximum of two weeks
- Submissions that do not comply with these requirements will not be posted
Questions may be emailed to Residential Life.