Under the Washington University Policy on Weapons, Explosives or Fireworks, the possession, storage, or use of firearms, pellet/bb/guns, knives, ammunition, or other dangerous weapons is prohibited on all University property, except as specified in the policy. Employees, students and visitors are strictly prohibited from carrying an storing weapons on University property and may not store weapons or ammunition in vehicles parked in University parking facilities, regardless of a valid concealed carry permit, except as specified in the policy. Use, possession, and storage of fireworks, combustibles, or explosive devices or components is also prohibited except as specified in the policy. Any authorized use, possession, or storage of fireworks must also separately adhere to the policy and procedures set forth by the Environmental, Health and Safety office. What constitutes a dangerous weapon will be left to the discretion of the Residential Life Staff or the Washington University Policy Department. Violations of this policy may be referred to the Office of Student Conduct for disciplinary action, including immediate expulsion as a student from the University. In addition, violations may be referred for criminal prosecution.