Luminescence is the WashU Chapter of the National Residence Hall Honorary (NRHH). On campus, Luminescence chooses and presents its Of the Month Awards.
Luminescence coordinates with CS40 on the Fall Retreat and the Spring Retreat at the beginning of the second semester. The organization also supports leaders through service. With service being one of its values, Luminescence dedicates a large portion of its programming efforts to benefit the community.
Luminescence also provides a leadership consulting and facilitation service to the residential community. Every member receives rigorous training by Campus Life and Residential Life staff in order to facilitate problem-solving exercises for groups looking to resolve issues with team building/teamwork, communication, responsibilities, attendance, and much more. At the end of the year, Luminescence judges the CS40 College Council of the Year Competition.
Luminescence also awards the annual Luminescence First Year Scholarship, and the Larissa Malmstadt Distinguished Service Award. This organization is run by students who are passionate, driven leaders who strive to inspire and help other leaders find their potential, throughout the residential communities and campus of WashU.