The South 40 includes ten residential communities located at the southwest end of the Danforth Campus that serve as the home to first year students and sophomores.

The South 40 is a “small town” with its own fitness center, dining facilities, technology center, meeting rooms, intramural fields, basketball and sand volleyball courts, recreation and game rooms, and music practice rooms. In addition, Bear Necessities (gift shop), Paws & Go (convenience store) the mail room and several student-run businesses are located nearby.

Residence houses located on the South 40 are either modern or traditional buildings.

Modern buildings

These facilities consist primarily of double rooms, with some single rooms. Most room layouts consist of two double rooms adjoined by a restroom. Our modern buildings include:

Liggett & Koenig Residential Community: four-person suites
Park & Mudd Residential Community: four-six-person suites
Robert S. Brookings Residential Community: two-four-person suites
Thomas H. Eliot Residential Community: two-four-person suites
Umrath & Zetcher Residential Community: two-three-bedroom units and two-three-person suites
Wayman Crow Residential Community: two-four-person suites
William Greenleaf Eliot Residential Community: two-four-person suites

Traditional buildings

These facilities have single and double room options on each floor, and each floor community shares common restrooms. Some traditional halls are configured in a suite style with double and single rooms and a shared restroom.

Hitzeman, Hurd & Myers Residential Community: four-six person suites and one-person and two-person bedrooms
Lee & Beaumont Residential Community: one-person bedrooms
Shanedling, Dauten, & Rutledge Residential Community: four-six person suites

All rooms include the following for each resident:

Bed frame
Extra long twin mattress (36″x80″)
Desk and chair
Closet space
Central air conditioning
Trash and recycling bin
Adjustable bed frame for additional space