Welcome to your neighborhood! Residential Life and WashU are committed to supporting our students, non-students, and the permanent residents who live in the surrounding neighborhoods.
Our dedicated staff seek to connect students, permanent residents, and WashU to one another in order to enhance the quality of life for everyone in the community.
We also assist with and educate students who are intending to live off-campus about safety, the apartment search, local ordinances, university policy, and other aspects of off-campus neighborhood life. We connect, advocate, respect and engage in the community we serve.
Resources for off-campus housing
WashU Police Department
- 314-935-5555
Emergency Management
Sign up for emergency alerts and find tips on how to be ready in case of a fire or other emergencies.
Parking, Transportation & Shuttles
Get your U-Pass, buy a parking pass and find resources for getting around St. Louis.
City of St. Louis
Affiliated City Resources
Affiliated Neighborhoods
Loop Trolley
Get info and updates on the Loop’s new trolley system.