
Room Cancellation Policy

Please refer to the Terms and Conditions agreed to during your housing application for full information regarding the Cancellation Policy. Students are held to the Cancellation Policy as listed in the Terms and Conditions under Section X. Termination of Contract. The Terms and Conditions can be found on each application page here. Residential Life allows […]


Weapons, firearms, and explosives

Under the Washington University Policy on Weapons, Explosives or Fireworks, the possession, storage, or use of firearms, pellet/bb/guns, knives, ammunition, or other dangerous weapons is prohibited on all University property, except as specified in the policy. Employees, students and visitors are strictly prohibited from carrying an storing weapons on University property and may not store […]



Destruction, defacement, or damage of any public space or property (bathrooms, lounges, hallways, etc.) is prohibited. Resident(s) responsible for such damage will be fined appropriate costs for repair, replacement, and labor. Public area damages not blamed on a specific individual may be charged to residents of a floor, building, or unit if a cause can […]



The Office of Residential Life places a very high level of importance on maintaining the security of our residence halls. In furtherance of that commitment, students are prohibited from tampering with any of the safety or security features in the halls including, but not limited to, room windows –toppers and screens, closed-circuit television equipment, and […]



Solicitation of any kind in the residential community is prohibited. This includes but is not limited to door-to-door sales, flyers, or product parties. Residents of university residence facilities are not permitted to sublease, rent, or share their residence with any individual(s) that are not on the residential housing agreement/lease as assigned by residential life. This […]


Smoking & Tobacco

WashU strictly prohibits all smoking and other uses of tobacco products within all University buildings and on University property, at all times. This policy applies to everyone on campus, including students, faculty, staff, patients, contractors and visitors. For more information about this policy, please visit the WashU HR website.


Search & Seizure

The University retains its right to search your room to enforce University policy, address health or safety concerns, and/or for other institutional purposes.



Screens should remain in the windows at all times. If your screen is loose, please fill out a maintenance request.


Room Occupancy

Residents are prohibited from using a room and or suite in the residential community other than the one assigned to them. This includes use for extra storage of personal belongings or entertaining guest (regular hour and overnight). If you would like to request a room change, it must be done in accordance with your housing […]

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