

Metal-tipped darts and cork dartboards are not permitted.



At the end of each semester, Residential Life Staff inspect all resident rooms. Any damages encountered will be documented, photographed, and charged to the resident(s) of the unit.



The Internet, and WU Copyright law applies to all intellectual works (including articles, software, html code, computer graphics, sound recordings, movies, web pages, etc.). If you are the author/creator, you are the copyright owner. ONLY the copyright owner has the right to reproduce, distribute, perform, or display a particular work. This means that if you […]


Construction Sites

The campus is in the midst of major facility improvements. Construction has been a way of life in recent years. With this in mind, and for safety reasons, only authorized personnel are permitted to enter any area where construction is occurring. All unauthorized entry by students will be referred to the Office of Student Conduct […]



Chalking is only allowed on uncovered sidewalks and pathways. Chalking is not allowed on buildings, walls, trees, covered sidewalks, or other surfaces. This includes the raised limestone wall surfaces along the pathway next to Gregg House on the South 40. Groups that chalk in residential areas that require clean-up may be charged for the cost […]



Bicycles are prohibited inside building managed by residential life due to fire safety. Bicycles should be secured to bicycle racks outside of the residence halls and may not be secured to fences or handrails. By May, all bicycles must be removed from residential life premises. Failure to do so will result in bikes being removed […]



For the safety of residents and guest, the use of grills and/or other cooking devices on balconies is strictly prohibited. Items may not be hung, draped over, or otherwise affixed to balconies. Additionally, throwing and/or directing objects, laser pointers, or any substance from, into, or onto residence hall windows, doors, terraces, ledges, roofs or other […]



Electrical Appliances that incorporate unshielded heating elements or draw more than 750 Watts are prohibited. All appliances used must be in good condition with special attention given to seals, electrical cords and plugs. Therefore, all appliances and their cords must be UL approved. Additionally, only power strips with circuit breakers may be used as extension […]


Title IX Policy

The University recognizes that students who have been using alcohol or who have violated University COVID policies may be hesitant to report incidents of sexual misconduct due to the fear of potential consequences for their own conduct. Therefore, a student who reports in good faith that they witnessed or were the victim of sexual misconduct […]


Alcohol, marijuana, other drugs and related paraphernalia

Alcohol Students are expected to know applicable State and Federal laws and University expectations around alcohol and other drugs. The following guidelines apply to alcohol and drugs in Residential Life spaces (the South 40, The Village, and all apartments owned by Residential Life). Underage possession of alcohol is prohibited by Missouri State Law and is […]

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