The Faculty Associate and Faculty Fellows programs emerged in response to the realization that there was a growing gap between faculty members and undergraduate students at WashU.

In addition, many faculty members wished to extend their interaction with students outside the academic realm. Today, many campuses across the nation have well-developed faculty/student interaction programs (e.g., Stanford, Georgetown, UCLA, Elon, etc.).

The faculty members involved in the programs are volunteers. By participating in the program, both faculty and students gain a better understanding of the rich lives we lead outside of the classroom. In turn, faculty help improve the undergraduate experience of their students, while students increase the number of quality interactions with faculty outside of academics.

Before living on campus, I knew students from the brain up.  I knew in the classroom.  After serving as a Faculty Fellow, I now know the hearts and souls of the students.  It has changed the way I teach and advise.

Dr. Brian Carpenter, former faculty fellow & professor of psychology

Faculty Associates

The Faculty Associate/Fellows Program, sponsored by the Office of Residential Life, is designed to provide opportunities for significant faculty-student interaction outside of the classroom setting.

Faculty Fellows

Faculty Fellows are faculty members who live in our Residential Communities for three years, often with their families.

Past Faculty programs

Picnic with Balloon Glow
Meet St. Louis Experience
Sunday Night Dinners
Apple or Pumpkin Picking at Eckert’s Farm
Time Management 101 Workshop
Tuesday Teas @ 3pm in the DUC
Movie Night
Debate Viewing Party
Super Bowl Viewing Party
Cooking Class in Bear’s Den
Pumpkin Carving
Trivia Night
Ice Skating in Forest Park
How to Survive College Panel
Dinner and Current Affairs or Movie Discussion
City Museum
Float/Raft trip
Cookie Decorating
Study Break on the Floor with pets and/or family
Museum Trips – the History Museum, SLAM, or Kemper
See a show at a local theater directed by a PAD professor
Trip to the Zoo
Botanical Gardens Trip